Automated Laboratory Experience In An Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Program
The mechanical engineering BS degree program at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) requires an experimental laboratory sequence that supports both stems of mechanical engineering (energy and structures/motion). Data acquisition systems are integrated into the required laboratory sequence. A 5-year laboratory plan is in place to repair and upgrade existing equipment, design and fabricate new equipment, procure basic measurement equipment including computers, programs and interfacing hubs to central computers, replacement of outdated equipment and acquisition of new laboratory benches. The laboratory experiments are designed to provide hands-on experience in application of classroom theory through use of stateof-the-art measurement and instrumentation techniques. Design of experiments is required in upper level laboratory courses. Laboratory experience is also included in elective courses using the same basic laboratory equipment in an “Open laboratory” approach. This paper describes the restructured laboratory sequence, explains how the data acquisition systems are integrated into the laboratory experience, and provides procedures for selected lab experiments.