Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis: Category Detection and Sentiment Classification for Hindi

E-commerce markets in developing countries (e.g. India) have witnessed a tremendous amount of user’s interest recently. Product reviews are now being generated daily in huge amount. Classifying the sentiment expressed in a user generated text/review into certain categories of interest, for example, positive or negative is famously known as sentiment analysis. Whereas aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA) deals with the sentiment classification of a review towards some aspects or attributes or features. In this paper we asses the challenges and provide a benchmark setup for aspect category detection and sentiment classification for Hindi. Aspect category can be seen as the generalization of various aspects that are discussed in a review. As far as our knowledge is concerned, this is the very first attempt for such kind of task involving any Indian language. The key contributions of the present work are two-fold, viz. providing a benchmark platform by creating annotated dataset for aspect category detection and sentiment classification, and developing supervised approaches for these two tasks that can be treated as a baseline model for further research.

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