2012 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC)

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome you to the fourth edition of the IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference in Seoul, Korea. IEEE VNC is a unique conference sponsored by both IEEE Communications Society and Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. It brings together these distinct communities to facilitate learning and to benefit from each others’ experience in the respective fields. The organizing committee spent countless hours and worked diligently to make this conference possible and to put together a high-quality program. Producing a conference is always a team effort involving many volunteers, and we would like to thank the team that made IEEE VNC 2012 possible. In particular, we are greatly indebted to our Technical Program Committee co-chairs, Frank Kargl, Falko Dressler, Elmar Schoch, Jong-Moon Chung, and Giovanni Pau, as well as to their TPC members. The TPC co-chairs compiled a very interesting program with highly respected and distinguished invited speakers, and an excellent technical program. The conference received 78 submissions of which 25 were accepted for the main technical program. Ten submissions were accepted as work in progress for the poster session. Our TPC co-chairs collected over 250 reviews from reviewers from all parts of the world. We also would like to thank EDAS Conference Services, LLC, especially Alice Arapshian, for helping to produce the proceedings. The staff of IEEE, in particular Bruce Worthman and Deidre Zeigler, helped with handling the finances and with making logistics arrangements. We would like to thank them for their support. The organizing committee would like to acknowledge the generous financial support from Toyota InfoTechnology Center and KAIST IREC that helped us to keep the registration fees at a reasonable rate. Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society for their joint sponsorship of the conference. We hope that all attendees will enjoy the scientific and social program, as well as the beautiful city of Seoul. Welcome to IEEE VNC 2012! Onur Altintas, Wai Chen, Geert Heijenk, and Hyun Seo Oh VNC 2012 General Chairs