Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity

espanolEl presente texto publicado en la Zona REMIX de la revista Communiars se corresponde con la introduccion del afamado libro Cultura Libre, del profesor Lawrence Lessig, presidente de la organizacion Creative Commons, dedicada a promover el acceso e intercambio culturales. El texto «Free Culture. How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity» (en espanol �Cultura Libre. Como los grandes medios usan la tecnologia y la ley para bloquear la cultura y controlar la creatividad�) es un libro publicado en 2004 y centrado en presentar otra manera de organizar la cultura y el conocimiento, abriendo las restricciones del obsoleto paradigma del copyright, y apoyandose en el modelo copyleft promovido desde el software libre. La introduccion que aqui se presenta traduce el espiritu abierto de un texto clave para la comprension y evolucion de la actualidad cultural. La version que se publica procede la version PDF de Free Culture, licenciada bajo Creative Commons en su variante BY-NC 1.0. EnglishThe present text published in the REMIX Zone of the Communiars Journal corresponds to the introduction of the famous book Free Culture, by Professor Lawrence Lessig, president of the Creative Commons organization, dedicated to promoting cultural access and exchange. The text �Free Culture. How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity� is a book published in 2004 and focused on presenting another way of organizing culture and knowledge, opening the restrictions of the obsolete paradigm of copyright, and relying on the copyleft model promoted by free software. The introduction presented here translates the open spirit of a key text for the understanding and evolution of current cultural reality. The version that is published is part of PDF version of Free Culture, licensed under Creative Commons in its variant BY-NC 1.0.

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