O papel da enfermagem frente ao monitoramento da dor como 5º sinal vital

The American Agency of Investigation and Quality in Public Health and the American Pain Society recommended the evaluation and systematic registration of pain with the others vitals signs, instituting the pain as the Fifth Vital Sign. Therefore, pain continues not to be treated and notified and few health professionals know about this issue. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of the nurse with relation to the monitoring of pain, through a bibliographic review of articles of newspapers carried out with databases MedLine through PubMed and LILACS through Bireme. A sample of nine articles of newspapers was obtained, other references found through the initial search were considered. From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the nurse as one of the members of the multidisciplinary team can influence all the teamwork, therefore, the adequate preparation of these professionals is indispensable in order to reach success in the administration of pain.