A new Dictionary of Swedish Pronunciation

This paper describes some aspects of a pronunciation dictionary for Swedish, "Svenskt Utlalslexikon" (SUL), which is piesenUy developed at our departm ent This dictionary provides, among other items, three kinds of information about Swedish pronunciation that are not included in standard dictionaries: information on varian ts , on inflected form s and com pounds, and on p ro p er names. SUL is organized as a machine-readable lexical database which in its present form contains approximately 1 0 0 .0 0 0 headwords. The run-dme system comprises four separate processing modules: an inflection engine, a compound engine, the transcripUon engine, and the dicUonary search algorithm. In addiuon to phonetic and phonological information, SUL also aims to supply various kinds of paradigmadc, syntagmatic and stadsucal informadon, needed for the linguisdc processing stages in text-to-speech synthesis and automadc speech recognidon.