Location of the best confident scapula cluster during a forward humeral elevation

1 Fabien Leboeuf, 2,3 Sylvain Brochard, 2,3 Mathieu Lempereur, 4 Cedric Schwartz and 2,3 Olivier Remy-Neris 1 CHU Nantes, Hopital saint Jacques, pole Medecine Physique et Readaptation, 85 rue saint Jacques, 44093 Nantes CHU Brest, hopital Morvan, service Medecine Physique et Readaptation, 5 avenue Foch, 29609 Brest 3 Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Traitement de l’Information Medicale, INSERM, UMR_S 650, IFR 148, Brest 4 Laboratory of Human Motion Analysis, University of Liege, Belgium fabien.leboeuf@gmail.com