A distributed heuristic multicast algorithm based on QoS implemented by SDN

Multicast is an effective way of communication when there are multiple recipients in the network, which reduces the congestion of the network. SDN makes the network like a general-purpose software, it is easy to update configurations, and SDN make the network more agile. Many multicast applications have strict requirements for transmission delay, and also consider reducing the cost of multicast. Therefore, two factors must be taken into account when constructing multicast trees to transmit data: network cost, transmission delay. On the basis of Jia algorithm, this paper proposes a new distributed heuristic multicast UP-Jia algorithm based on QoS, which has the smallest constructing multicast tree cost under the condition of satisfied transmission delay. In the experimental simulation, the UP-Jia algorithm is compared with several previous algorithms, and the superiority of the UP-Jia algorithm is obtained. SDN is based on the specific network characteristics to distribute multicast algorithm. which improves the forwarding efficiency of the network.