Abstract Given an undirected, edge-weighted connected graph, the k -cut problem is to partition the vertex set into k non-empty connected components so as to minimize the total weight of edges whose end points are in different components. We present a combinatorial polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for the k -cut problem. We use a Lagrangean relaxation (also suggested by Barahona [F. Barahona, On the k -cut problem, Operations Research Letters 26 (2000) 99–105]) to reduce the problem to the attack problem, for which a polynomial time algorithm was provided by Cunningham [W. Cunningham, Optimal attack and reinforcement of a network, Journal of the ACM 32(3) (1985) 549–561]. We prove several structural results of the relaxation, and use these results to develop an approximation algorithm. We provide analytical comparisons of our algorithm and lower bound with two others: Saran and Vazirani [H. Saran, V. Vazirani, Finding k -cuts within twice the optimal, SIAM Journal of Computing 24(1) (1995) 101–108] and Naor and Rabani [J. Naor, Y. Rabani, Tree packing and approximating k -cuts. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001, pp. 26–27]. We also provide computational results comparing the performance of our algorithm on random graphs with respect to the lower bound provided by the attack problem as well as an alternate 2-approximation algorithm provided by Saran and Vazirani [Cited above].
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Approximating Steiner k-Cuts
Francisco Barahona,et al.
On the k-cut problem
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Vijay V. Vazirani,et al.
Finding k Cuts within Twice the Optimal
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Dorit S. Hochbaum,et al.
Polynomial algorithm for the k-cut problem
[Proceedings 1988] 29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
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Emergence of scaling in random networks
William H. Cunningham,et al.
Optimal attack and reinforcement of a network
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A new approach to the minimum cut problem
Yuval Rabani,et al.
Tree packing and approximating k-cuts
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Approximating k-cuts via network strength
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