Quality of Work Life: A Comparative Study of Public Sector VS. Private Sector Banks

Many managers view qualfty of work life and firm performance as contradictory goals. However, it seems that assuring a high qualfty of work life is one of the best ways to attract and keep talente'd staff as well as to achieve better firm performance aualfty of Work Life (aWL) is a philosophy, a set of princples, which holds that people are the most important resource in the organization as they are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making valuable contribution and they should be treated with dignity and respect. There are many barriers to overcome, however, in order to shift from a traditional managerial culture based solely on control systems to a democratic managerial culture based on trust and self-regulation systems. The present study seeks to compare and analyse the aWL in public sector banks and private sector banks. The results are interesting and can be useful for academidans for further studies and bank employees for their career development.