Mini Networked Screens (MiNeS)
The forward areas for an LPD in littoral waters can be full of surprises. A novel concept is presented for a networked screen consisting of elements of increasing capability to provide a progressive response to the threat. This MiNeS concept substantially improves the capability of the LPD as an autonomous operational unit. The separate elements form a reactive screen centered on the LPD to protect and support its coastal operations. The screen elements range from intelligent self-organizing wireless networks of buoys and UUVs to small manned submersibles (SMS). The scenario of progressive response has three stages. The first stage involves a screen of forward placed intelligent buoys that provide a good first impression of the forward area both on the surface and below. These units collect acoustic, radar and communication signals and are capable of local processing of data. This relevant information about the environment is shared between the buoys. The surveillance is directed at finding mines, hostile surface units, submarines and enemy UUVs and at identifying related activities on shore. For the next stage it may be necessary to deploy UUVs equipped with, for instance, side scan sonar to get a more detailed picture of the littoral environment. An SMS can be a means for covert delivery of the network of buoys and/or UUVs. In the third, the reaction stage, the SMS missions vary from intensive surveillance in the forward area to destroying detected mines and offensive actions against hostile units to protect the LPD. The SMS would be well suited for covert delivery of swimmers or landing advance shore parties. The ‘triple hull’ SMS design, typically sized in the 250 t range, has a maximum submersed speed of 9+ kt. It has appropriate sensor suite, e.g. Sonars, ESM, and is fitted with 2 to 4 launching tubes for weapons, UUVs, buoys, etc.