Development status of EUV sources for use in beta-tools and high-volume chip manufacturing tools

In the paper we give an update about the development status of gas discharge produced plasma (GDPP) EUV sources at XTREME technologies. Already in 2003 first commercial prototypes of xenon GDPP sources of the type XTS 13-35 based on the Z-pinch with 35 W power in 2π sr have been delivered and integrated into micro-exposure tools from Exitech, UK. The micro-exposure tools with these sources have been installed in industry in 2004. The first tool has made more than 100 million pulses without visible degradation of the source collector optics. For the next generation of full-field exposure tools (we call it Beta-tools) we develop GDPP sources with power of > 10 W in intermediate focus. Also these sources use xenon as fuel which has the advantage of not introducing additional contaminations. Here we describe basic performance of these sources as well as aspects of collector integration and debris mitigation and optics lifetime. To achieve source performance data required for high volume chip manufacturing we consider tin as fuel for the source because of its higher conversion efficiency compared to xenon. While we had earlier reported an output power of 400 W in 2π sr from a tin source we could reach meanwhile 800 W in 2π sr from the source in burst operation. Provided a high power collector is available with a realistic collector module efficiency of between 9% and 15 % these data would support 70-120 W power in intermediate focus. However, we do not expect that the required duty cycle and the required electrode lifetimes can be met with this standing electrode design Z-pinch approach. To overcome lifetime and duty cycle limitations we have investigated GDPP sources with tin fuel and rotating disk electrodes. Currently we can generate more than 200 W in 2π sr with these sources at 4 kHz repetition rate. To achieve 180 W power in intermediate focus which is the recent requirement of some exposure tool manufacturers this type of source needs to operate at 21-28 kHz repetition rate which may be not possible by various reasons. In order to make operation at reasonable repetition rates with sufficient power possible we have investigated various new excitation concepts of the rotating disk electrode configurations. With one of the concepts pulse energies above 170 mJ in 2π sr could be demonstrated. This approach promises to support 180 W intermediate focus power at repetition rates in the range between 7 and 10 kHz. It will be developed to the next power level in the following phase of XTREME technologies' high volume manufacturing source development program.