Genetic diversity and population structure of pronghorn spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus in the Pacific region By Muhamad

Adult specimens of Panulirus penicillatus were collected from localities distributed in Japan: Hachijojima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago (Amamioshima, Okinawajima, Ishigakijima); Taiwan: Taitung; Indonesia: Java Sea and Gebe Island; French Polynesia: Moorea Island; and Ecuador: Isabela Island. Phyllosoma larvae specimens were collected from the Western Sea of the Galápagos Islands. In total, 569-570 nucleotide sequences were analyzed from the mtDNA control region. Almost all individuals had a unique haplotype. Intrapopulation haplotype (h) and nucleotide (π) diversities were high for each locality, ranging from h = 0.9996–1.0000 and π = 0.0255–0.0448. A mismatch distribution of pairwise differences between haplotypes indicated that P. penicillatus does not fit the sudden population expansion model. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) shows a clear genetic difference between two regions (Western/Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific). High gene flow was found within localities in Western/Central Pacific region, probably resulting from an extended planktonic larval stage and prevailing ocean currents. The present study detected genetic structure between Eastern Pacific populations and Western Pacific populations, indicating that despite the nearly 1-year larval period for this species, larvae generally do not pass over the East Pacific Barrier. *Corresponding Author E-mail:

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