ASME-NH 코드를 활용한 웹기반 고온 원자로 건전성평가 프로그램 개발

Structural integrity evaluation in regard to high temperature reactor was proposed by ASME Sec.III Sub.Sec NH and RCC-MR. However, procedure of calculation has limitation in a practical work, because complex procedure is needed for integrity evaluation and artificial error can be included in calculation. In addition, the existing evaluation program(ASME-NH SIE Code) developed by CUI(Character user interface) is difficult to use the program. Thus the web-based integrity evaluation program for the accurate and rapid assessment of high temperature reactor is developed based on ASME-NH code. To reduce limitations for using program, web-based program was developed by employing GUI(Graphic user interface). The result of this study is expected to be applied usefully for design and structural integrity evaluation of high temperature reactor.