What radiation dose for DLA-identical canine marrow grafts? [published erratum appears in Blood 1989 Feb;73(2):624]

In view of reported attempts at marrow grafting after nuclear accidents with a broad range of radiation exposures, the present study explored the total-body irradiation (TBI) conditions needed for engraftment in a canine model by using marrow from DLA-identical littermates. Previous studies have shown that such grafts are consistently successful when recipients are exposed to 920 cGy of TBI delivered at a rate of 7 cGy/min from opposing dual cobalt sources. The present TBI doses were all in the lethal range. Five dogs were administered 450 cGy; seven dogs, 600 cGy; five dogs, 700 cGy; and five dogs, 800 cGy of TBI administered at 7 cGy/min. They received a median of 3.3 x 10(8) marrow cells/kg intravenously after completion of radiation. Results showed transient allogeneic marrow engraftment in all dogs administered the lowest dose of TBI studied (450 cGy). Importantly, transient grafts permitted four of five dogs to live long enough for autologous marrow recovery to occur. At increasing radiation doses, 600, 700, and 800 cGy, the risk of graft failure lessened, with 3 of 7, 2 of 5, and 1 of 5 dogs, respectively, showing graft rejection. Fewer dogs survived with autologous marrow recovery, and more showed sustained allogeneic engraftment (4 of 7, 3 of 5, and 4 of 5 dogs, respectively). We conclude that DLA-identical littermate marrow grafts are beneficial in the setting of otherwise lethal radiation exposures, with most dogs either experiencing sustained allogeneic engraftment or surviving with autologous marrow recovery due to the extended support provided by a transient allogeneic graft.