The Temperature of the Clyde Sea-Area

II. FROM the curves for each station, temperature sections were constructed for every cruise, showing the position of the isotherms with relation to a profile of the bottom along certain lines. It is not easy to give an intelligible description of the distribution of temperature without reference to those diagrams; but an attempt may be made. The most important section runs from the Channel, across the Plateau, up the Kilbrennan Sound branch of the Arran Basin, through Inchmarnoch Water, to the head of Loch Fyne. It is sufficient to recollect that the Plateau is covered by about 25 fathoms of water, that the depth increases on the inside up to 107 fathoms off Skate Island, then diminishes rapidly to 15 fathoms at Otter and Minard, and increases again to nearly 80 in Upper Loch Fyne. The section is a little more than 90 miles long.