Recently in a series of articles ([1], [2], [3], [6], [7], [8]) the estimation of the standard deviation of the normal distribution based on the sample standard deviation, s, has been thoroughly explored-both for unbiased estimation ([1], [2], [3], [6]) and minimum mean square error estimation ([7], [8]). If one is willing to retain the assumption of normality then it is well known that many simple highly efficient linear estimates of the standard deviation also exist (for example in [4] Chapter 9). The usual drawbacks of these linear estimates are that they are appropriate either to small samples (e.g., the sample range) or large samples (e.g., estimates using a few sample quantiles) or else they do apply to all sample sizes (e.g., the BLUE estimates) but involve elaborate weighting schemes for the ordered observations-thus rendering them chiefly only of academic interest. In the following we examine one linear estimate first proposed by Downton [5]. It does not suffer the above mentioned drawbacks and further it compares extremely well with the estimates based on s. Let X1,n ? ? Xn,n represent the ordered observations from a random sample of size n drawn from a normal distribution. Downton's unbiased estimate of the distribution's standard deviation ois
B. Bolch,et al.
The Teacher's Corner: More on Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation
F. Downton,et al.
Linear estimates with polynomial coefficients.
Richard M. Brugger.
A Note on Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation
A Minor Exercise in History
R. F. Jarrett.
The Teacher's Corner: A Minor Exercise in History
F. Massey,et al.
Introduction to Statistical Analysis
B. Bolch,et al.
More on Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation
Edward E. Cureton,et al.
Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation
The Teacher's Corner: Minimum Mean-Square-Error Estimation of the Standard Deviation of the Normal Distribution
Minimum Mean-Square-Error Estimation of the Standard Deviation of the Normal Distribution
Reduced Mean-Square-Error Estimation of σp in Normal Samples
Edward E. Cureton.
The Teacher's Corner: Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation