Development, testing, and evaluation of MHD materials and component designs. Volume V. Combustion technology, a review for development of coal burning equipment for advanced energy conversion systems. Final report, 15 October 1973-31 December 1975
The Westinghouse Electric Corporation has identified a need to develop a line of combustors capable of burning coal or coal-related fuels for a variety of applications associated with advanced power generating equipment. Also required are coal preparation, handling, and feeding equipment necessary for operating the facility, as well as the completely instrumented test stand needed for evaluation and development. This facility, if constructed with government funds, could be made available to other contractors for their evaluation and development as well as to other Westinghouse groups to support in-house and government programs. The design of a complete coal banding processing and feeding system for a coal combustor is described. Also, designs for two-stage combustors for the ETF-1, ETF-2, and ETF-3 are given. (WHK)