GOES-R AWG product processing system framework: research to operations

GOES-R Algorithm Working Group’s (AWG) Product Processing System Framework is currently being run both in operations and in near real-time to support algorithm verification and validation over extended seasonal datasets. The algorithms are being tested using a variety of data sets, including: MODIS, SEVIRI, GOES, VIIRS data, and ABI WRF simulated data. The Advanced Himawari Imager(AHI) data will also be used as ABI proxy data to test the GOES-R algorithms in the Framework. AWG Integration Team (AIT) has developed a suite of tools to monitor product quality, product processing, and system performance for the near real-time product generation. These capabilities have allowed the framework to be expanded for use in transitioning algorithms to operations. The GOES-R AWG Derived Atmospheric Motion Vector Winds algorithm has been successfully updated and transitioned to operations running on existing GOES and VIIRS data. Other GOES-R algorithms that are being upgraded for operational use on VIIRS include the Clouds, Aerosols, and Cryosphere products. In addition, legacy operational cloud systems will be integrated into the Framework. The design details of the AWG Framework, near real-time algorithm product generation system, monitoring tools, transitioning of the framework to operations, and future algorithm implementation plans shall be discussed.