Symptomatische niedrig-energetische Stoßwellentherapie bei Fersenschmerzen und radiologisch nachweisbarem plantaren Fersensporn

QUESTION: The long-term analgetic effect of low-energetic shock-wave therapy in heel spur for two different numbers of applicated impulses is investigated. METHODS: 50 patients with recalcitrant heel pain and a plantar calcaneal spur on the X-ray received in a controlled, prospective and randomized study low-energetic extracorporal shock-wave-therapy. The first group received 3 x 500 impulses and the second group 3 x 100 impulses of 0.08 mJ/mm2 with an experimental device. The follow-up was 1 1/2, 3 and by telephone after 12 months. RESULTS: There was clear improvement and relief of pain in both groups on manual pressure and while walking and an increase of the pain-free walking ability from 10 minutes before the treatment to 2 and 3 hours respectively after 12 months. We saw a significantly better results after the treatment with 3 x 500 impulses. CONCLUSION: The extracorporal shock-wave therapy is an effective treatment in refractory heel pain. An amount of at least 3 x 500 impulses in the low energetic treatment is useful.