The structure of concanavalin A at 4 A resolution.

Abstract Concanavalin A, a phytohemagglutinin isolated from the jack bean, crystallizes at pH 6.8 in the orthorhombic space group 1222 with a = 89.9, b = 87.2, and c = 63.1 A. We have analyzed x-ray diffraction intensity data to 4 A resolution on native concanavalin A and five heavy-metal derivatives: lead, mersalyl, chloroplatinate, uranyl, and o-mercuri-p-nitrophenol. Heavy-atom positions, occupancies, and isotropic thermal parameters have been refined by least-squares methods. The electron density maps clearly show the molecular shape and the packing of the concanavalin A molecules. The asymmetric unit (mol wt 27,000) forms an elliptical dome or “gumdrop” with a base of approximately 46 × 26 A and a height of 42 A. The subunits are paired across 2-fold axes parallel to the c-axis to form dimers. The dimers are in turn paired across points of D2 symmetry to form tetramers of roughly tetrahedral shape. Each unit has a depression located on the surface which could be the site of saccharide binding. In many regions we have been able to trace the course of the polypeptide chain.