Perencanaan Sistem Database Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Berbasis Web dengan Pendekatan Work Breakdown Structure dan COCOMO
The project plan of manpower replacement system based on web is to aim preparing the system, supported tools and kinds of informations that be inputed in database on internet so that some stakeholders—job seeker, company, higher education (to supply experts) and government as facilitator—can access the database system accurately, relevant and on-time. The project plan system had been done in Department of Manpower and Transmigration that be used of guidance for measuring the system project modul with work breakdown structure dan constructive cost model (Cocomo) so it is easy to make a project cost proposal. The result of calculation of the both approaches are the time schedule needs 7.68 months where the product design modul needs 1.23 months with experts are 2.49 manmonths, the detailed design modul needs 1.86 months with experts are 2.5 man-months, the code modul and unit test need 2.51 months with experts are 1.64 man-months. The project plans can be concluded as follows : (1) can be known the results of estimated calculation for experts and time each activity; (2) can be made the organization chart included experts and their tasks; and (3) can be made the time schedule.