[An autopsy case of triple primary cancers consisting of glioblastoma multiforme of the pons, colon cancer and rectal carcinoid--a statistical analysis of cases of brain tumor combined with other primary cancers in Japan autopsy annuals].

An autopsy case of glioblastoma multiforms of the pons with a colon cancer, a rectal carcinoid, a renal adenoma and three gastric leiomyomas in a 81-year-old-woman is reported with a statistical analysis on multiple primary cancers associated with primary brain tumors as reported in the Japan autopsy annuals. Out of 329, 705 autopsy cases from 1975 to 1984 in the Japan autopsy registry, double cancers and triple cancers that included a primary brain tumor amounted to 123 cases (0.037%) and 12 cases (0.0036%), respectively. Other sites for primary cancers were the thyroid (23%), the stomach (15%), the lungs (12%), and the colon (10%) in that order of frequency.