Inelastic Electron Scattering CrossSection Spectroscopy of Ge x Si 1- x Nanoheterostructures

Twocomponent Ge xSi 1- x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) structures are studied by electron spectroscopy. The atomic composition of the structures is determined from Xra y photoelectron spectroscopy data. The reflection elec� tronenergyloss spectra for a series of samples with different x at primaryelectron energies from 200 to 3000 eV are recorded. Using the experimental spectra, the electron energy loss dependences of the product of the electron inelastic mean free path and the differential inelastic electron scattering cross section are cal� culated. It is shown that the quantitative characteristics of these dependences can be used to determine the atomic concentrations of elements in the investigated system.