Mechanical behavior of pumpkin fruits subjected to compression during maturation

During handling operations, many problems that reduce the quality of vegetables may occur. Mechanical injuries are the leading cause of postharvest losses for the pumpkin, and can take place at any point of the production chain. This study aimed at evaluating the pumpkin fruits behavior, during their ripening stages, on the values ??of maximum compression force for fixed deformations, and determining the proportional deformability modulus of the fruits under compression at the repose position . Fruits were harvested at 15, 30 , 40 , 50 and 60 days after flowering and uniaxially compressed between two parallel plates . The results allowed to conclude that both the required compression force and the proportional deformability modulus increased during the maturation course, reaching a maximum force of 1,778 N and a maximum deformation modulus of 164 MPa, after 30 days. After this period, both the maximum force and the modulus values ??decreased, reaching 1,514.8 N of maximum force and a modulus of 132.09 MPa, after 60 days of ripening . Over the course of a longer maturation time, the fruit firmness increased, therefore requiring an increase in the maximum load to achieve greater deformation. The ideal period for harvest and transport of ‘Jacarezinho’ pumpkin fruits was set from 30 to 40 days after anthesis.

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