Handbook of Multimodal and Spoken Dialogue Systems: Resources, Terminology and Product Evaluation

Editorial Preface. 1. Representation and annotation of dialogue. 2. Audio-visual and multimodel speech-based systems. 3. Consumer off-the-shelf (COTS) product and service evaluation. 4. Terminology for spoken language systems. 5. Reference materials. Bibliographical references. List of abbreviations. Index. CD-ROM disclaimer.

[1]  E. Dura Natural Language in Information Retrieval , 2003, CICLing.

[2]  Peter H. Fries,et al.  On Theme, Rheme and discourse goals , 2002 .

[3]  Robert Krovetz,et al.  Viewing morphology as an inference process , 1993, Artif. Intell..

[4]  Wai Lam,et al.  Using a generalized instance set for automatic text categorization , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[5]  Marie-Francine Moens,et al.  Automatic abstracting of magazine articles: the creation of 'Highlight' abstracts , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[6]  Yoshimi Suzuki,et al.  Keyword extraction of radio news using term weighting with an encyclopedia and newspaper articles , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[7]  Mark Sanderson,et al.  Advantages of query biased summaries in information retrieval , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[8]  Cornelis H. A. Koster,et al.  Four text classification algorithms compared on a Dutch corpus , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[9]  Norbert Fuhr,et al.  DOLORES: a system for logic-based retrieval of multimedia objects , 1998, SIGIR '98.

[10]  Andrew McCallum,et al.  Distributional clustering of words for text classification , 1998, SIGIR '98.

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[13]  W. R. Grei,et al.  A theory of term weighting based on exploratory data analysis , 1998, SIGIR 1998.

[14]  W. Bruce Croft,et al.  Corpus-based stemming using cooccurrence of word variants , 1998, TOIS.

[15]  S. Robertson The probability ranking principle in IR , 1997 .

[16]  Marie-Francine Moens,et al.  Automatic text structuring and categorization as a first step in summarizing legal cases , 1997, Inf. Process. Manag..

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[22]  Chris Buckley,et al.  Learning routing queries in a query zone , 1997, SIGIR '97.

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[24]  Marie-Francine Moens,et al.  Abstracting of legal cases: the SALOMON experience , 1997, ICAIL '97.

[25]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  An overview of agent-oriented programming , 1997 .

[26]  Marti A. Hearst Text Tiling: Segmenting Text into Multi-paragraph Subtopic Passages , 1997, CL.

[27]  T. V. Dijk The Study of Discourse , 1997 .

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[30]  Gerald Kowalski,et al.  Information Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation , 1997 .

[31]  Simone Teufel,et al.  Sentence extraction as a classification task , 1997 .

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[36]  Marti A. Hearst,et al.  Reexamining the cluster hypothesis: scatter/gather on retrieval results , 1996, SIGIR '96.

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[42]  Marie-Francine Moens,et al.  SALOMON: Abstracting of Legal Cases for Effective Access to Court Decisions , 1996 .

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[45]  Yves Chiaramella,et al.  An Integrated Model for Hypermedia and Information Retrieval , 1996 .

[46]  Alan F. Smeaton,et al.  An Overview of Information Retrieval , 1996 .

[47]  Mountaz Zizi,et al.  Interactive Dynamic Maps for Visualisation and Retrieval from Hypertext Systems , 1996 .

[48]  James Pustejovsky,et al.  The role of lexicons in natural language processing , 1996, CACM.

[49]  David A. Hull Stemming Algorithms: A Case Study for Detailed Evaluation , 1996, J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci..

[50]  Hinrich Schütze,et al.  Xerox TREC-5 Site Report: Routing, Filtering, NLP, and Spanish Tracks , 1996, TREC.

[51]  Gary Promhouse,et al.  Experiments with TREC using the Open Text Livelink Engine , 1996, TREC.

[52]  Douglas W. Oard Alignment of Spanish and English TREC Topic Descriptions , 1996, TREC.

[53]  Ruxandra Domenig,et al.  SPIDER Retrieval System at TREC-5 , 1996, TREC.

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[58]  Joon Ho Lee,et al.  Combining multiple evidence from different properties of weighting schemes , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[59]  Steven Finch,et al.  Partial orders for document representation: a new methodology for combining document features , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[60]  Hinrich Schütze,et al.  A comparison of classifiers and document representations for the routing problem , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[61]  Francine Chen,et al.  A trainable document summarizer , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[62]  David D. Lewis,et al.  Evaluating and optimizing autonomous text classification systems , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[63]  Tefko Saracevic,et al.  Evaluation of evaluation in information retrieval , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[64]  Yiming Yang,et al.  Noise reduction in a statistical approach to text categorization , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[65]  James Allan,et al.  Relevance feedback with too much data , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[66]  William R. Hersh,et al.  Towards new measures of information retrieval evaluation , 1995, SIGIR '95.

[67]  Dragomir R. Radev,et al.  Generating summaries of multiple news articles , 1995, SIGIR '95.

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[69]  Jonathan D. Cohen,et al.  Highlights: Language- and Domain-Independent Automatic Indexing Terms for Abstracting , 1995, J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci..

[70]  Robert M. Fung,et al.  Applying Bayesian networks to information retrieval , 1995, CACM.

[71]  Raya Fidel,et al.  Terminological Knowledge Structure for Intermediary Expert Systems , 1995, Inf. Process. Manag..

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[97]  Yiming Yang,et al.  An example-based mapping method for text categorization and retrieval , 1994, TOIS.

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