Summary Terrain surfaces have to be modeled in very detail and wheel-surface contacting geometry must be well defined in order to obtain proper ground-reaction and friction forces for realistic simulation of off-road vehicles. Delaunay triangulation is one of the most widely used methods in modeling 3-dimensional terrain surfaces, and the T-search is a relevant algorithm for searching resulting triangular polygons. The T-search method searches polygons in a successive order and may not allow real-time computation of off-road vehicle dynamics if the terrain is modeled with many polygons, depending on the computer performance used in the simulation. In order to accelerate the searching speed of the T-search, a terrain database of triangular polygons is modeled in multi-levels by adopting the LOD (Level of Detail) method used in real-time computer graphics. Simulation results show that the new LOD-search is effective in shortening the required computing time. The LOD-search can be even further accelerated by introducing the NN (Neural Network) algorithm, in the cases where a appropriate range of moving paths can be predicted by cultural or geographical or empirical information of the simulated terrain, such as lakes, houses, etc. Numerical tests show that LOD-NN search almost doubles the speed of the original T-search.
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