Could Knowledge-Based Neural Learning be Useful in Developmental Robotics? The Case of Kbcc

The new field of developmental robotics faces the formidable challenge of implementing effective learning mechanisms in complex, dynamic environments. We make a case that knowledge-based learning algorithms might help to meet this challenge. A constructive neural learning algorithm, knowledge-based cascade-correlation (KBCC), autonomously recruits previously-learned networks in addition to the single hidden units recruited by ordinary cascade-correlation. This enables learning by analogy when adequate prior knowledge is available, learning by induction from examples when there is no relevant prior knowledge, and various combinations of analogy and induction. A review of experiments with KBCC indicates that recruitment of relevant existing knowledge typically speeds learning and sometimes enables learning of otherwise impossible problems. Some additional domains of interest to developmental robotics are identified in which knowledge-based learning seems essential. The characteristics of KBCC in relation to other knowledge-based neural learners and analogical reasoning are summarized as is the neurological basis for learning from knowledge. Current limitations of this approach and directions for future work are discussed.

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