Antenna and measurement improvements based on equivalent currents reconstruction

In this chapter, different applicative examples of the EQC technique will be considered. In particular, in Section 3.2, we focus on diagnostic and filtering capabilities of the EQC technique and how such investigative techniques can facilitate design improvement from antenna prototyping. The design advancements are achieved through a better understanding of the cause of both desired and undesired radiation phenomenon on the measured prototype. The inspection of the EQC determined on a surface conformal to the measured prototype is in many ways similar to what is achieved from numerical modeling of the antenna with some very important differences. The EQCs are a result of the measured radiation, whereas currents determined by numerical modeling include both radiating and non-radiating sources. A further distinction of the EQC is that the radiation from a distinct physical feature, like a connector, can be isolated and its contribution to the overall radiation determined. The spatial filtering capabilities of the EQC is a very important feature to achieve design enhancement.