Building an international student market: educational-balanced scorecard solutions for regional Australian cities

There is an international student market suitable for regional Australia, but each region is different. Hence, each region must determine, target and niche market to its best potential international student customer base. For international education there remains scant, relevant, data for regional Australia, hence complete regional approaches to international education must be developed. The Cairns region has developed an international education student model for regional Australia. This approach delineates ideas, pitfalls, structures, strategic directions, dos and don'ts, and future strategies for a region. A balanced scorecard approach ensures that both financial rewards and visionary strategies are coordinated. This approach also offers a vital pathway to delivering regional strategies, and to mapping, measuring and quantifying their results. It produces a spiral knowledge-growth, learning model that can deliver rapid and continuous development of educationally related ideas. Moreover, this approach is a pathway to continuous improvement, and a further move towards maintaining a competitive position in the dynamic global marketspace of international education.