제7차 초등학교 수학과 교육과정에 제시된 수학 용어에 대한 연구

In this paper, mathematical terms in 7th elementary mathematics curriculum(from now, in short, 7th curriculum)are reexamined critically. In 7th curriculum there are 123 terms, which seems to be selected cautiously. But it is not sure. There are lots of evidences for selecting terms incautiously. Through these evidences, following conclusions are induced: (1) Terms were not selected strictly. There are many terms omitted in 7th curriculum, which are necessary for understanding mathematical concepts. (2) There were no rational principles for selecting terms in 7th curriculum. Any rational principles can not be found out among terms in 7th curriculum. (3) Mathematical terms and real life terms in 7th curriculum were not distinguished explicitly. There were some real life terms in 7th curriculum, which were significant for understanding mathematical concepts. But other real life terms which is significant also for understanding mathematical concepts were not contained in 7th curriculum.