Transport Security: The Olympic Challenge

The London Olympic Games in 2012 represent an extraordinary challenge for the British Transport Police (BTP). This article discusses this challenge and what is being done to ensure a secure event. Almost all of the Olympic visitors are expected to use public transit to access the 34 venues hosting Olympic events. Although terrorist attacks are the worst fear, planning must also cover more mundane matters such as crime, public order and disruption. With trains scheduled to arrive every 13 seconds at Olympic Park, the effects of any delay could be massive. British Transport Police must also deliver their policing and security efforts in a way that reinforces the Games as a celebration of sport. Due to the large geographical scope of the venues, the BTP will be operating a national policing plan. The Olympic security strategy is integrated with the British government's counterterrorism security as well as other preexisting security regimes. BTP is developing a 64-day policing plan for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and will be using proven operational tactics, security measures and technology. The goal is an Olympic Games that participants can share in and celebrate safely, while minimizing disruption to daily life for residents.