Michael Eickenberg | Edouard Oyallon | Louis Leconte | Lucas Caccia | Eugene Belilovsky | Edouard Oyallon | Michael Eickenberg | Eugene Belilovsky | Lucas Caccia | Louis Leconte
[1] Edouard Oyallon. Building a Regular Decision Boundary with Deep Networks , 2017, 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
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[13] Michael Eickenberg,et al. Decoupled Greedy Learning of CNNs , 2019, ICML.
[14] Ioannis Mitliagkas,et al. Manifold Mixup: Learning Better Representations by Interpolating Hidden States , 2018, 1806.05236.
[15] Daniel Kifer,et al. Conducting Credit Assignment by Aligning Local Representations , 2018, 1803.01834.
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[24] Alexander Ororbia,et al. Biologically Motivated Algorithms for Propagating Local Target Representations , 2018, AAAI.
[25] Michael Eickenberg,et al. Greedy Layerwise Learning Can Scale to ImageNet , 2018, ICML.
[26] Bin Gu,et al. Training Neural Networks Using Features Replay , 2018, NeurIPS.
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[28] Max Jaderberg,et al. Understanding Synthetic Gradients and Decoupled Neural Interfaces , 2017, ICML.
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[31] Tomaso A. Poggio,et al. Biologically-plausible learning algorithms can scale to large datasets , 2018, ICLR.
[32] Pieter Abbeel,et al. Parallel Training of Deep Networks with Local Updates , 2020, ArXiv.
[33] Jonathon S. Hare,et al. Deep Cascade Learning , 2018, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
[34] Yann LeCun,et al. Deep learning with Elastic Averaging SGD , 2014, NIPS.
[35] Joelle Pineau,et al. Online Learned Continual Compression with Adaptive Quantization Modules , 2019, ICML.
[36] Kaiming He,et al. Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour , 2017, ArXiv.
[37] Gert Cauwenberghs,et al. Deep Supervised Learning Using Local Errors , 2017, Front. Neurosci..
[38] Brian Kingsbury,et al. Beyond Backprop: Alternating Minimization with co-Activation Memory , 2018, ArXiv.
[39] Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al. Assessing the Scalability of Biologically-Motivated Deep Learning Algorithms and Architectures , 2018, NeurIPS.
[40] John Langford,et al. Learning Deep ResNet Blocks Sequentially using Boosting Theory , 2017, ICML.
[41] Wei Zhang,et al. Asynchronous Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent , 2017, ICML.
[42] Fabian Pedregosa,et al. Improved asynchronous parallel optimization analysis for stochastic incremental methods , 2018, J. Mach. Learn. Res..