The limits of programmed automation in a CAD/CAM/CNC precision engraving environment

Abstract UMIST's Department of Total Technology and Spooner-Vicars Limited, of Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, England, are involved in a collaborative manufacturing project. The company makes biscuit ovens, with engraved brass rollers to cut biscuit shapes from sheets of dough. The authors have co-ordinated the replacement of the traditional method of engraving rollers with an advanced CAD/CAM/CNC system. After commissioning this system, various enhancements were considered including provision of application-specific programs in the CAD/CAM environment. After a brief description of the new system and other enhancements, some of these parametric programs are outlined. The paper then describes a highly automated program for use in the manufacture of a whole generic class of biscuit rollers, and postulates the use of similar programs for other classes.