과업중심 교수법을 활용한 중국어 말하기 교육과 평가방안 고찰

This paper was written for the purpose of seeking a suitable assessment method after inquiring into a scheme for teaching of Chinese speaking by utilizing a task-based instruction method. In general, the task-based instruction method can be considered to be the most significant in that it can realize learner-oriented teaching of foreign language. However, if task presentation, curriculum design, assessment and the like are not planned elaborately, it is true that no expected effect can be produced. But there are not many existing study results relating to task assessment at present. So, a large effect is produced on the effectiveness and reliability of Chinese language teaching by utilizing task-based instruction method. Therefore, this paper presented a Chinese speaking class model at W university by utilizing the task-bas ed instruction method, and then inquired into an assessment method suitable for that together on the basis of theory of task-based instruction method. It is expected that the study results of this paper can be utilized as reference data for the activation of Chinese language teaching by utilizing the task-based instruction method and the development of assessment method suitable for that.