Poverty and inequality

Contents @toc4:Contributors iii Preface and Acknowledgments iii @toc2:Chapter One. Introduction: The Conceptual Foundations of Poverty and Inequality Measurement 1 @tocca:David B. Grusky and Ravi Kanbur @toc2:Chapter Two. Conceptualizing and Measuring Poverty 000 @tocca:Amartya Sen @toc2:Chapter Three. Poverty and Human Functioning: Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements 000 @tocca:Martha C. Nussbaum @toc2:Chapter Four. From Income to Endowments: The Difficult Task of Expanding the Income Poverty Paradigm 000 @toca:Franois Bourguignon @toc2:Chapter Five. Social Theory and the Concept "Underclass" 000 @tocca:William J. Wilson @toc2:Chapter Six. Race, Class, and Markets: Social Policy in the 21st Century 000 @tocca:Douglas S. Massey @toc2:Chapter Seven. Dependency and Social Debt 000 @tocca:Martha A. Fineman @toc4:Notes 000 References 000 Index 000