Voyage to the age of the dinosaurs project, an experiential learning situation with undergraduates, graduates and visiting professionals

Experiential learning is a popular form of instruction within higher education. [Kolb and Fry 1975] The purpose of this paper is to detail how the experiential model can be blended within an open ended and ever evolving project management environment. The experiential model however is not only extended to facilitate the learning of undergraduate students but also to extend and challenge the preconceptions of visiting graduates and professionals, throughout the course of the projects development. [Chen 2008] This paper will discuss the process of how this blending is applied to the research and development of a 3d interactive game. We will present the methodology used for collaboration primarily from the perspective of the School of Art, Design and Media art assets creation and design team, reference to the other collaborating partners objectives and methodologies will also be discussed briefly but are not the main focus of this paper.