A Prime-Number-based Matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures

In the previous approaches to represent pictorial data as the complexity of the represen tation strategy is increased the more spatial relationships can be represented which also results in a more complex strategy for query processing and a limited types of queries that can be answered In this paper we propose an e cient iconic indexing scheme called Prime Number based Matrix PN Matrix for symbolic pictures which combines the ad vantages of the D C string and the DLT matrix Basically the proposed strategy can represent those complex relationships which are represented in D C strings in a matrix and an e cient module based operation can be used to support pictorial query spatial reasoning and similarity retrieval In the proposed scheme we classify spatial relation ships between two objects in D space into ve spatial categories and de ne a category rule for each of those ve spatial categories Those category rules are module operation based therefore they are e cient enough as compared to the previous approaches Following those category rules we propose algorithms to e ciently support spatial reasoning picture queries and similarity retrieval based on a data structure of a Prime Number based Matrix PN Matrix