A Review: Data Mining Techniques in Education Academia

One of the main objectives of Indian educational system is evaluating or enhancing the educational organization. Data Mining (DM) is the process of searching the concealed information from a large quantity of data set. It analyzes the data from different source and it converts into meaningful information. There are a lot of advantages of data mining technique in education sector. Utilization of DM techniques in education sector is a developing and new growing research area. It is also known as Educational Data Mining. The Educational Data Mining is involved with developing the methods that helps to search specific types of data sets that come from education surroundings. Its main objective is to gets the new learning techniques and upgrade academic result. The use of DM techniques are discussed to increase the performance of the process of higher education system. Various types of classification, clustering and association techniques are used, Which enhance the student performance, their life process management, selection of courses, to measure their reservation rate and allow the fund management of the organization.