Noninvasive Recording of His-Purkinje Activity in Man by QRS-Triggered Signal Averaging

SUMMARY Mobile instrumentation and a clinically applicable method have been developed for external His bundle recording. High gain signal amplification (105) filtering (30-300 Hz) and averaging (128 or 256 consecutive cycles) are used. Acquisition of signals arising in the P-R interval is triggered by the patient's QRS signal at the end of that interval. The precordial bipolar electrocardiogram is digitized at 5k Hz with 8 bit resolution and transferred to a 1,024 word, 18 bit signal averager. The averaged signal is then displayed on an oscilloscope and photographed. Good correlations were obtained between direct intracardiac and precordial recordings in experimental animals and in humans. Noise level after averaging was below 0.3 μV, and there was good elimination of asynchronous atrial and ectopic ventricular activity. With averaging of 128 or 256 consecutive cycles, the signal attenuation after propagation to the chest wall was in the range 1:2000 to 1:4000 in comparison with the directly recorded His bundle activity deflections. The noninvasive method may be of value in follow-up of acute and chronic disturbances of atrioventricular conduction, as well as in studies of effects of pharmacologic interventions.