Structure-guided SCHEMA recombination generates diverse chimeric channelrhodopsins

Significance Critical for regulating cell function, integral membrane proteins (MPs) are key engineering targets. MP engineering is limited because these proteins are difficult to express with proper plasma membrane localization in heterologous systems. We investigate the expression, localization, and light-induced behavior of the light-gated MP channel, channelrhodopsin (ChR), because of its utility in studying neuronal circuitry. We used structure-guided SCHEMA recombination to generate libraries of chimeric ChRs that are diverse in sequence yet still capable of efficient expression, localization, and useful light-induced functionality. The conservative nature of recombination generates unique protein sequences that tend to fold and function. Recombination is also innovative: chimeric ChRs can outperform their parents or even exhibit properties not known in natural ChRs. Integral membrane proteins (MPs) are key engineering targets due to their critical roles in regulating cell function. In engineering MPs, it can be extremely challenging to retain membrane localization capability while changing other desired properties. We have used structure-guided SCHEMA recombination to create a large set of functionally diverse chimeras from three sequence-diverse channelrhodopsins (ChRs). We chose 218 ChR chimeras from two SCHEMA libraries and assayed them for expression and plasma membrane localization in human embryonic kidney cells. The majority of the chimeras express, with 89% of the tested chimeras outperforming the lowest-expressing parent; 12% of the tested chimeras express at even higher levels than any of the parents. A significant fraction (23%) also localize to the membrane better than the lowest-performing parent ChR. Most (93%) of these well-localizing chimeras are also functional light-gated channels. Many chimeras have stronger light-activated inward currents than the three parents, and some have unique off-kinetics and spectral properties relative to the parents. An effective method for generating protein sequence and functional diversity, SCHEMA recombination can be used to gain insights into sequence–function relationships in MPs.

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