University of London Institute of Education

It will be seen from the table oligophrenias are the most frequent cause of incapacity with 62.8 per cent for children. In oligophrenias the highest figure is for those without a known cause, followed by those due to demonstrated brain injury and those precipitated by Cretinism. It is found that 15-20 per cent of the mentally defective are born of normal parents. It is 40-50 per cent when one of the parents is oligophrenic, and the figure goes still higher to between 80 per cent and 90 per cent when both parents are ranged in the same category. Among the mentally disturbed Schizophrenia shows the highest figure, i.e., 48.7 per cent. The new movement called &dquo; Lucha contralas enfermedades mentales &dquo; has been organised to improve and modernize conditions in the field of care and treatment of nervous and mental patients in Spain. We hope this will bring Spain more into line with other countries.