Converting from DDOR SASF to APF

A computer program called ddor_sasf2apf converts delta-door (delta differential one-way range) request from an SASF (spacecraft activity sequence file) format to an APF (apgen plan file) format for use in the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) missionplanning- and-sequencing process. The APF is used as an input to APGEN/AUTOGEN in the MRO activity- planning and command-sequencegenerating process to sequence the delta-door (DDOR) activity. The DDOR activity is a spacecraft tracking technique for determining spacecraft location. The input to ddor_sasf2apf is an input request SASF provided by an observation team that utilizes DDOR. ddor_sasf2apf parses this DDOR SASF input, rearranging parameters and reformatting the request to produce an APF file for use in AUTOGEN and/or APGEN. The benefit afforded by ddor_sasf2apf is to enable the use of the DDOR SASF file earlier in the planning stage of the command-sequence-generating process and to produce sequences, optimized for DDOR operations, that are more accurate and more robust than would otherwise be possible.