Therapeutic results and prognostic factors of brain metastases from breast cancer: Single center experience

This study was performed at the department of medical oncology and radiotherapy at Habib Bourguiba Hospital between 1998 and 2014. Data were collected for 85 cases of BMBC. Inclusion crite‐ ria were as follows: histologically proven breast carcinoma with synchronous and metachronous intradural brain metastases (BM). Patients with history of previous or concomitant other primary carcinoma or diagnosis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis were ex‐ cluded. The tumor was considered HR‐positive when more than 1% of cells were labeled in immunohistochemistry for estrogen. The immunohistochemical study of Her 2 status began in 2008 in our institution. The tumor was considered HER2‐positive if the primary tumor was scored 3+ by HER2 immunohistochemistry or scored 2+ with a positive FISH. Clinical, biological and therapeutic parameters were recorded for each patient.