Scaling Fisheries: The Science of Measuring the Effects of Fishing, 1855-1955

Frontispiece Acknowledgements Units used in the text Part I. Introduction: 1. Fluctuations, the very essence of ecosystems Part II. Developing Methods, 1855-1940: 2. Research approaches, 1855-90 3. Measuring the effect of fishing, 1890-1900 4. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 1900-20 5. Predicting fluctuations, 1920-30 6. A priori methods, 1930-40 Part III. Three Partial Theories, 1940-55: 7. Middling in size 8. How many parents are enough? 9. Steady state yield 10. Integration: self-regenerating populations and the bionomic ecosystem Notes References Index of people Subject index.