Nowadays security in communication is increasingly important to the network communication because many categories of data are required restriction on authorization of access, modify, delete and insert. Quantum cryptography is one of the solutions that use property of polarization to ensure that transmitted data is not tampered. The research paper provides the mechanism that enhances the data security in quantum cryptography during exchange of information. In first phase detailed explanation of Quantum key distribution’s BB84 protocol is given. BB84 protocol is used as the basis for the mechanism. In next phase the proposed mechanism is explained. The proposed mechanism combines BB84 protocol at two levels, from sender to receiver and then from receiver to sender. Moreover, a logic circuit is used to combine the bits hence to reduce the probability of eavesdropping. The key obtained can be used to exchange the information securely further it can help in encryption and decryption of crucial data. Double level BB84 mechanism will help in information reconciliation as well as privacy amplification. In future the proposed mechanism will be very beneficial where unconditional security is required during key and other secret information exchange
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International Symposium onInformation Theory, 2004. ISIT 2004. Proceedings..
Quantum Key Distribution via BB 84 An Advanced Lab Experiment