Aviation human factors literature presents many problems and concerns with flightdeck automation. We are completing a study in which we documented these problems and concerns, and identified evidence associated with each of them. All evidence identified has been entered into a relational database along with the information on citations for each of the problems and concerns. The database is being made accessible through a world wide web site for use by the aviation community. Our work has been conducted in two phases. Phase 1 included identifying the human factors problems and concerns with flightdeck automation. In Phase 2 we compiled empirical evidence supporting and refuting the 114 problems identified in Phase 1, and identified two additional problems for which we also identified citations and compiled evidence. Evidence was identified in existing publications and data made available to us, and generated through a survey of human factors experts with a broad knowledge of flightdeck automation research and/or broad flightdeck automation experience. This paper focuses on our work identifying and documenting evidence, and presents general results of a survey of experts conducted to evaluate the problems/concerns and generate evidence. Specific examples of the evidence associated with a particular problem are presented. The database is described along with the preliminary design of the web site and how it will be made accessible. Our vision for the use of the database by the aviation community is also presented.