Λ-Splittings and Line Intensities in the 2 ← 1 Hot Band of Nitric Oxide

Since nitric oxide plays a major role in the chemistry of stratospheric ozone, it is crucial to measure its atmospheric abundance precisely; this requires an accurate knowledge of the [sup 14]N[sup 16]O molecule line parameters. Using Fourier transform spectra, [Lambda]-splittings and absolute line intensities have been measured in the [sup 2][Pi][sub 1/2]-[sup 2][Pi][sub 1/2] and [sup 2][Pi][sub 3/2]-[sup 2][Pi][sub 3/2] allowed subbands of the vibrational 2 [l arrow] 1 hot band of nitric oxide. To retrieve accurate results from the spectra, [lambda]-doubling and hyperfine splittings were carefully taken into account. However, for most of the studied lines, it turned out that the components of the hyperfine structure are close enough so that they have no susceptible effects on the measured line parameters. Well-chosen cases illustrate the method of measurement. The observed [Lambda]-splittings have been compared with the values deduced from the transition wavenumbers available in the HITRAN database, and large discrepancies (up to 0.006 cm[sup [minus]1] for P(22.5)) appeared for the [sup 2][Pi][sub 3/2]-[sup 2][Pi][sub 3/2] subband. The measured line intensities led to the determination of the transition dipole moment as well as the Herman-Wallis coefficients for the studied hot band. The measured intensities have been found to be largermore » than the HITRAN values by about 7%.« less