Tool support for authoring eligibility criteria for cancer trials

A critical component of authoring new clinical trial protocols is assembling a set of eligibility criteria for patient enrollment. We found that clinical protocols in three different cancer domains can be categorized according to a set of clinical states that describe various clinical scenarios for that domain. Classifying protocols in this manner revealed similarities among the eligibility criteria and permitted some standardization of criteria based on clinical state. We have developed an eligibility criteria authoring tool which uses a standard set of eligibility criteria and a diagram of the clinical states to present the relevant eligibility criteria to the protocol author. We demonstrate our ideas with phase-3 protocols from breast cancer, prostate cancer, and non-small cell lung cancer. Based on measurements of redundancy and percentage coverage of criteria included in our tool, we conclude that our model reduces redundancy in the number of criteria needed to author multiple protocols, and it allows some eligibility criteria to be authored automatically based on the clinical state of interest for a protocol.