Extended Overdetermined Dual-Doppler Formalism in Synthesizing Airborne Doppler Radar Data
Abstract During the intensive observing period of the field phase of the Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) of the Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program, airborne Doppler radars capable of fore–aft scanning (dual-Doppler analog) were involved in aircraft missions in which highly coordinated and parallel tusks were flown (quad-Doppler analog). Pairs of observations from each radar can be used to infer the wind components through an iterative dual-equation solution, while combining them allows a direct determination. Errors from these two analysis methods are discussed, in particular those induced from geometrical considerations. Due to these geometrical limitations, neither the dual-Doppler nor the quad-Doppler approach can take advantage of the whole volume sampling. To overcome the limitations and to increase considerably the synthesis domain, the overdetermined dual-Doppler (ODD) technique is proposed in an extended version (EODD). EODD includes solutions to these proble...